Category: Education

Boy goes from struggling in school to better grades and a boost in confidence

Teen sees significant improvement in test-taking, grades, and confidence

Boy sees significant improvement in academics, reading and confidence

LearningRx Celebrates Improvements in Cognitive Abilities

Third-grade Girl Named Finalist in National Contest for Exceptional Brain Training Results

Young Cowboy Named Winner in National Contest for Exceptional Brain Training Results

Boy goes from struggling reader with attention issues to increased focus, vocabulary and comprehension

Boy goes from struggling with reading and homework to enjoying reading and breezing through homework

June 18 is Autistic Pride Day

LearningRx shares exercises to work on the brain over the summer

Boy goes from struggling in school to better grades and a boost in confidence

LearningRx Brain Training Company Reviews 5 Tips to Prepare Your High Schooler for College

Woman gains focus and confidence from adult booster program

Girl experiences three-level increase in reading after program and makes the honor roll!!

From brain injury to increased job performance, confidence and processing speed

Mom talks about how daughter's full potential was unlocked

Student's visual processing skills jumped 89 points!

Mom talks about how son's grades, homework and confidence were boosted

Girl goes from struggling with reading and academics to soaring confidence and reading fluently!

Teen sees huge improvements in attention and attitude that affects the entire family

Mom says it was 'absolutely a game changer' for her two sons

Boy with ADHD diagnosis completes homework more independently and improves behavior

Teen improves her attention and organization skills

Boy with ADHD sees huge improvements in confidence, organization and comprehension

Homeschooler gains improvements in math, attention and confidence

Who says you can't multi-task? Watch LearningRx students play the piano, do flips on the trampoline, and drum as they name all the presidents in under one minute

Girl experiences three-level increase in reading after program and makes the honor roll

LearningRx Student Shoutout for Sam who went from struggling in school to better grades

Homework struggles "vanish" after personal brain training program

Parent Reviews Changes in Child with ADHD and Dyslexia after LearningRx Brain Training

Local student goes from struggling with reading and homework to enjoying reading and breezing through homework

From struggling learner to University of Minnesota graduate with a degree in architecture.

13-year-old boy wows judges with guitar skills and singing after finishing brain training at LearningRx in Chattanooga, Tennessee

LearningRx Shares Reported Improvements and Test Results After Brain Training

The Gibson Test of Cognitive Skills Assesses Core Skills in Less Than an Hour and Works for All Ages (5 and Up)

New Research Shows Personal LearningRx Brain Training Changed the Brain for TBI Victims

Learning Rx Graduates Talk about Real-life changes after Personal Brain Training with Reward System

Send Learning Rx your funniest, most impressive videos reciting US presidents

Learning Rx Child Franchise receives award for strong values, ethics, and social responsibility from employees reviews

Learning Rx Reviews New Research That Shows One-on-One Brain Training Transfers to Real-Life Benefits

Shoutout to LearningRx Pensacola Graduate Hailey who now wants to be a teacher when she grows up

LearningRx Frisco Graduate Reviews How Brain Training Changed Confidence, Relationships and How He Went from the Worst Grades in Class to As and Bs!

LearningRx Hosts Free Webinar: Reviews Costs of Reading Problems, Current Reading Research and Clients with Dyslexia

Local LearningRx Centers Giving Away Free Brain Skills Assessments to Thank the Communities

LearningRx personal brain training improved attention by 24 points

Personal Brain Training Helped Student Earn IEP Scholarship and Attend Top Zoology University

National LearningRx Finalist goes from tantrums and memory struggles to "Most Teachable"

Brain Training Reviews New Student Success: Graduate goes from stroke-induced learning struggles to college bound!