Training weak cognitive skills with a sound to code reading program improved state achievement scores for LearningRx ReadRx students in new study.
Colorado Springs, Colorado, May 27, 2016 (Newswire.com) - – A study of LearningRx’s (www.LearningRx.com) ReadRx personal brain training program results found that after training, the group of students made statistically significant gains on tests of World Attack, Spelling Sounds, Sound Awareness and Passage Comprehension. Additionally, 91% of students who completed the ReadRx program showed improvement on state reading achievement tests. The results have been published in LearningRx’s 48-page 2016 edition of “Client Outcomes and Research Results,” which can be downloaded here: http://www.learningrx.com/our-programs/learningrx-results/.
For the group of 65 students in the study, the mean gain across reading achievement tests was 3.6 years. Prior to training, the mean percentile for the group was 33. After training, the group jumped to the 47th percentile in reading. The study, “Achievement Outcomes for LearningRx Students: Math and Reading Achievement Before and After Cognitive Training” is currently in preparation for publication but can be downloaded here:
. "With 95,000 students having graduated our brain training programs, we have plenty of data for independent researchers to study our unique cognitive training methodology and results.
Tanya Mitchell, Vice President of Research & Development
“LearningRx programs are based on 35 years of research and input from a team of psychologists, educators, speech and language pathologists, and occupational therapists,” says Tanya Mitchell, Vice President of Research & Development for LearningRx. “With 95,000 students having graduated our brain training programs, we have plenty of data for independent researchers to study our unique cognitive training methodology and results. We not only encourage independent research, but we also actively seek it out. We are eager to share our results, and independent research helps validate our work among the scientific community in an industry that is still relatively young, and therefore under constant scrutiny. It’s part of the reason we created the Gibson Institute of Cognitive Research (www.gibsonresearchinstitute.org).”
LearningRx (www.LearningRx.com) has a network of 78 centers across the United States and locations in over 35 countries (www.BrainRx.com). The company’s average customer rating is 4.9 out of 5. In addition, when asked how likely customers were to recommend the company to someone, 19,000 of 21,836 customers rated LearningRx a 9 or 10. LearningRx specializes in identifying and correcting the underlying cognitive skill deficiencies that keep people from achieving their full potential in school, business, or life. Using a comprehensive skills assessment test and intensive one-on-one training, LearningRx programs enhance weak cognitive skills such as attention, memory, auditory & visual processing, processing speed, and problem solving. The company has garnered countless awards, including Entrepreneur’s Franchise 500 lists multiple years in a row.
Source: LearningRx