Colorado Springs, Colorado, May 25, 2016 (Newswire.com) - A Randomized Control Trial (RCT) testing LearningRx’s (www.LearningRx.com) ThinkRx personal brain training program has been completed and the results show significant gains in logic & reasoning, as well as improvement in working memory and three of four math attitude measures. The results have been published in LearningRx’s 48-page 2016 edition of “Client Outcomes and Research Results,” which can be downloaded here: http://www.learningrx.com/our-programs/learningrx-results/.
In the study, 225 high school students were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: ThinkRx, digital training or study hall (control) in a school setting for a 15-week training period. Analysis of the results revealed significantly higher scores for the treatment groups compared with controls on working memory and three of four math attitude measures. The pre- and post-testing scores for logic & reasoning were the most significant. While the control group and digital brain training remained virtually unchanged, the group who underwent LearningRx’s one-on-one brain training had significantly higher scores. The study, “The Efficacy of the LearningRx Cognitive Training Program: Modality and Transfer Effects,” was published in the Volume 84, Issue 3, 2016 Journal of Experimental Education: Learning, Instruction, and Cognition. The three lead researchers were Oliver Hill, Zewelanji Serpell and M. Omar Faison.
"LearningRx programs are based on 35 years of research and input from a team of psychologists, educators, speech and language pathologists, and occupational therapists"
Tanya Mitchell, Vice President of Research & Development
“LearningRx programs are based on 35 years of research and input from a team of psychologists, educators, speech and language pathologists, and occupational therapists,” says Tanya Mitchell, Vice President of Research & Development for LearningRx and co-author of “Unlock the Einstein Inside; Applying New Brain Science to Wake Up the Smart in Your Child” (www.UnlockTheEinsteinInside.com)
19,000 of 21,836 customers over a 5-year period rated LearningRx a 9 or 10. The 9.5 out of 10 customer satisfaction rating is nearly 20 percent higher than the national average and one of the highest ratings in the country. LearningRx specializing in identifying and correcting the underlying cognitive skill deficiencies that keep people from achieving their full potential in school, business, or life. Using a comprehensive skills assessment test and intensive one-on-one training, LearningRx certified programs enhance weak cognitive skills such as attention, memory, processing speed, and problem solving. The company has garnered countless awards, including Franchise Business Review’s Franchisee Satisfaction Award, and rankings on Bond’s Top 100 Franchises and Entrepreneur’s Franchise 500 lists multiple years in a row.
Source: LearningRx